I've been inspired to draw a lot of things lately. I've been soaking up other illustrator's work, and I'm finally figuring out my "voice" and deciding to move forward with it.. start fine tuning it.
I've got a pen-name I was gonna use as a freelance design company once I finished school, but now that I'm doing similar stuff at work for my boss, no need to do much freelance anymore.
Instead, I think I'm gonna use the name, Flannel Animal, to start an umbrella company for some bookish projects I want to do in the future. The webspace has been purchased already, so I just gotta put it together when the time comes.
I can't seem to focus on The Fencer. I keep wanting to do illustrations, some monochromatic stuff mostly, from photographs I've saved on my computer over the years. I've got a folder full of photos of mopeds, people with jackets in poses that would make for a ton of beautiful line-work, nature scenes, etc. I just want to dive in and start drawing from these and enjoy this illustration itch. However, I don't like drawing without a purpose sometimes. So, to give myself one, I'm going to create a comic book sized collection of these experiments in illustration and put them together to be printed at the end of the month. I'm gonna try and call it "November in Drawings" or something. Think of it like a visual Sufjan Stevens album; a mix-mash of different subjects hopefully pulled together through color and layout.
Once it's finished, I'll get back to the Fencer with a better sense of ability.
While I've been at Books-A-Million milking everything I can out of the $20 Membership card I got guilt-tripped into, I've been doing some sketching and browsing the internet for something I browse all the time with no results: the tools
Matthew Woodson and other unbelievable illustrators use to get such great lines in their work. But alas, tonight I stumbled across it! An
old tutorial from none other than Matthew Woodson that step-by-step spells out his inking process and exactly which pens and inks he uses. I knew it was some sort of brushes, because he mentions it in his blog from time to time. But now I know what to hunt for at Hobby Lobby next time I go. Too bad I just bought some more Micron pens today:(
This is a big day for me. I'm just glad I didn't ink these drawings I've been doing already. Whew.